Mikko Mustonen

Senior Lecturer



mikko.mustonen (at) mehimus.fi

Tel: +358 400 200 480




Research (I have retired 1.9.2020)

Asymmetric networks and the incentives to innovate

Incentives, information extraction and task assignments. (joint work with Mikko Leppamaki) link (to an earlier version)




Mustonen M. (2000) Strategic R&D investment in future compatibility. EURAS Yearbook of Standardization Vol. 3, ed. Holler M, Niskanen E. (Homo Oeconomicus XVII(3)), Accedo Verlag, Munich, Germany.

Mustonen M. (2003) Copyleft-the economics of Linux and other open source software. Information Economics and Policy 15(1), 99-121.

Mustonen M. (2005) When do firms support the development of substitute copyleft programs? Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 14(1), 121-139.

Glazer A., Kanniainen V., Mustonen M. (2005) When A Loser Gains: Free Riding in The Innovation of Network Goods. Journal of Economics, 87, 55-71.

Mustonen M. (2005) Signalling Cost with Investment in Compatibility. Netnomics 7, 39-57.

Leppamaki M., Mustonen M. (2009) Skill signaling with product market externality. The Economic Journal, 119, 1130-1142.

Mustonen M. (2010) The employment contract when the firm can utilize a free resource. Journal of Economics, 99, 231-250.


Mustonen M. (2019) Direct publishing and the bargaining between the author and the publisher. Information Economics and Policy, 48, 40-47.



Industrial Organization (micro 3)

Mathematical Methods in Economics