Professor, Head of Department
Department of Economics, Aalto University School of Business and Helsinki GSE
Email: firstname.lastname(at)aalto.fi
Phone: +358 40 353 8174
Aalto University School of Business
Ekonominaukio 1, 02150 Espoo, Finland
Mailing address: P.O. Box 21210, FI-00076 Aalto
Manuscripts and work in progress
Slow Social Learning: Innovation Adoption under Network Externalities. With Tuomas Laiho and Julia Salmi.
Social learning with endogenous order of moves. With Daniel Hauser and Juuso Välimäki.
Correlated Large Contests. With Chang-Koo Chi and Juuso Välimäki.
Published and forthcoming papers
Affiliated common value auctions with costly entry. With Juuso Välimäki. Forthcoming in Review of Economic Studies. (Numerical example)
Gradual Learning from Incremental Actions. With Tuomas Laiho and Julia Salmi. Forthcoming in Theoretical Economics.
Waiting for my neighbors (2021).
With Sidartha Gordon
and Emeric Henry.
RAND Journal of Economics, vol 52, No. 2, pp. 251-282.
All-pay Auctions with Affiliated Binary Signals (2019).
With Chang-Koo Chi
and Juuso Välimäki.
Journal of Economic Theory, vol 179, pages 99-130.
(Online appendix).
Large all-pay auctions with IPV bidders (2017).
With Juuso Välimäki.
Journal of Economic Theory, vol 169, pages 629-640.
Large common value auctions with risk averse bidders (2015).
With Juuso Välimäki.
Games and Economic Behavior, Vol 91, pages 60-74.
Exit Options and Dividend Policy under Liquidity Constraints (2014).
With Marko Terviö.
International Economic Review, Vol 55 (1).
(Matlab codes).
Delay and Information Aggregation in Stopping Games with Private Information (2013).
With Juuso Välimäki.
Journal of Economic Theory, Vol 148 (6), pages 2404-2435.
Learning and Information Aggregation in an Exit Game (2011).
With Juuso Välimäki.
Review of Economic Studies, Vol 78, pages 1426-1461.
Uncertainty and Stepwise Investment (2010).
With Peter Kort and Grzegorz Pawlina.
European Journal of Operational Research, Vol 202, No. 1, pages 196-203.
Timing of investment under technological and revenue-related uncertainties (2007).
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 31, pages 1473-1497.
Exit in Duopoly under Uncertainty (2004).
RAND Journal of Economics, 35(1), pages 111-127.
Timing of investments in oligopoly under uncertainty: a framework for numerical analysis (2004).
With Erkka Näsäkkälä and Jussi Keppo.
European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 157, No. 2, 486-500.
An oligopolistic investment model of the Finnish electricity market (2003).
With Pierre-Olivier Pineau.
Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 121, No. 1-4, 123-148.
A Game Model of Irreversible Investment under Uncertainty (2002).
With Jussi Keppo.
International Game Theory Review, Vol. 4, No. 2, 127-140.